Thursday, March 13, 2008



The question being asked is will the USA elect another war mongering Republican because his a ‘war hero’ with a guarantee of more of the same horrors and comedy of errors that has exacerbated international condemnation for the USA under the current Republican government? Or, if Barack Obama wins the nomination, will the citizens of the USA be ready to put aside any notion that an American with brown skin and a name many try to link up with some terror cell in the mountains of Afghanistan, does not have what it will take to bring about REAL change. And let’s face it the path that successive governments of the USA have steadfastly followed for the past 60 years is not working. The USA is going backwards.

Living in a country that has enjoyed all the benefits of a universal health care program for over 30 years I find it appalling that in 2008 the USA is the only first world country that seems to care more about corporate profits than the health and welfare of its citizens. What I find mystifying is that so many ordinary, working class Americans argue against a universal health care program for reasons that vary from “I don’t trust the government with my health care” to “I am not paying for the health care of lazy fuckers that won’t work.” Yet many of these same people admit to having been educated in government funded schools, and would call the Fire Department if their house was burning down.

As I am no longer a resident of the USA, although I have citizenship, and can return anytime I chose, the domestic policies of the government don’t impact on me personally. However, I would like to see family, friends and associates still living in the USA get MORE for their buck.

With all the things that need fixing in the USA, plus the million miles of fence mending to restore trust in the USA from the international community, we hear Americans say “I don’t care about the rest of the world and what they think of the USA.” To them I say it is very probable that anger and hatred for this kind of arrogant disregard for the death and destruction the USA has had its fingers in, one way of the other since 1918, may have been at the core of the message delivered on September 11, 2001.

Standing for the position of the President of the USA is a ‘man with a plan’ and his name is Barack Obama. All many people can find to oppose Obama for is the colour of his skin, his name, and a persistent and idiotic belief that he is a Muslim. They completely disregard his ability to do the job and do it well with a powerhouse team of expert advisers. They would rather stick with a tried and true recipe for failure, than find the guts to take off the blinders, and see passed their prejudices.

When is the USA going to realise that it is not, and never was a WHITE country. Certainly since the invasion of the Europeans and the almost total annihilation of the First Nation people, the leaders and law makers have been white, Christian, males and there remains a power base that would like that status quo to continue. But in the 2008 election there are two candidates who are challenging the status quo, and with a bit of good luck, and not withstanding another election fraud decided in the courts, one of them may just break through that glass ceiling and make history to become the next President of the USA. .

Is the USA ready to elect the best PERSON for the job? Is the USA ready to accept that to say BLACK American is superfluous? If someone IS black is it evident. Being an eligible American, whether a man or a woman is all that matters and all of the current candidates fit that criteria.

We have a way to go in this election, which has not yet determined the Democrat candidate and so many things can happen in the 8 months remaining before the election of the President. What I hope is that the USA will not return a Republican; the Republican party do not deserve to be rewarded for bad behaviour and total mismanagement of the affairs of the USA domestically and internationally.

The bully-boy tactics of the current USA administration and the lust for power and wealth, that has benefited a select group, has left a trail of death in its path that has pushed the world dangerously close to an escalation of military aggression in the Middle East that could have resulted in WW3. Do you, we, the world, need more of the same? I think not.

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